Sometimes life serves up challenges to our choices. They can shake you to your foundation. And, even though we view these principles as the rock upon which our lives are built, we may find that our foundations are easily cracked. I honestly don’t know if reinforcing and re-cementing the cracks is the wise action or letting things break apart. With my old construction of my life, I found that the patch works were too extensive. I had no choice but to tear down the ramparts and start again seated firmly on fresh soil.
And… and then I fell in love. Yes, again. But, sometimes head does in fact flip over heels. Unfortunately, that relationship fell apart under the weight of polyamory. A rare and special love had to end because she’s monogamish and I’m a flaming polymore. We tried mightily to build a bridge across that divide. A crazy love bridge to support and cradle our hearts high above the rapids below. We never made it across. But, somewhere in the middle, the bridge clearly collapsing, I wondered “if poly can cause me this much pain, is it really the right thing? Am I sticking to something that sounds good in the vague hope that something just right will come along while ignoring the bounty in front of me?” (more…)